Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Correct Those Commonly Misspelled Words

Coming across commonly misspelled words in your essays and notes is a common experience, but have you ever bothered to look up and correct your ways. Here is a list to get you started:
1.    Abate
To become weaker or to decrease in strength
2.    Aberrant
3.    Abeyance
Temporary inactivity/suspension
4.    Abscond
To escape from a place secretly
5.    Abstemious
Not eating or drinking too much
6.    Admonish
To warn or disapprove
7.    Adulterate
To corrupt by adding something of poor quality
8.    Aesthetic
9.    Aggregate
10.  Alacrity
Promptness in response/willingness
11.  Alleviate
12.  Amalgamate
13.  Ambiguous
14.  Ambivalence
Contradictory attitudes toward a person
15.  Ameliorate
To make something tolerable
16.  Anachronism
Something mistakenly placed in a time where it does not belong
17.  Analogous
18.  Anomalous
19.  Antipathy
Strong feeling of dislike/grudge
20.  Apathy
21.  Appease
22.  Apprise
To inform
23.  Approbation
24.  Appropriate
25.  Arduous
Very difficult
26.  Artless
27.  Ascetic
Having a strict/simple way of living to avoid physical pleasure
28.  Assiduous
Great attention and effort
29.  Assuage
To ease
30.  Attenuate
31.  Audacious
Very confident/daring
32.  Austere
33.  Autonomous
34.  Aver
To say something in a strong and definite way/affirm
35.  Banal
36.  Belie
37.  Beneficent
Producing good
38.  Bolster
A long pillow or cushion
39.  Bombastic
40.  Boorish
Resembling a rude person/clownish
41.  Burgeon
To develop quickly/accelerate
42.  Burnish
To make something smooth by rubbing it
43.  Buttress
A structure built against a wall to support it
44.  Cacophonous
45.  Capricious
Changing often and quickly/fickle
46.  Castigation
Harsh punishment/criticism
47.  Catalyst
Something that causes a quick change
48.  Caustic
Having the ability to burn or destroy something through chemicals
49.  Chicanery
50.  Coagulate
51.  Coda
Something that ends/completes something else
52.  Cogent
Easy for the mind to believe/compelling
53.  Commensurate
54.  Compendium
A collection of things gathered together as a group in the form of a book/anthology
55.  Complaisant
Eager to please people/amiable
56.  Compliant
Willing to comply/submissive
57.  Conciliatory
Likely to pacify
58.  Condone
To allow to continue
59.  Confound
To surprise or confuse/baffle
60.  Connoisseur
An expert in a particular subject
61.  Cumbersome
Complicated/hard to do
62.  Debilitate
63.  Decorum
Proper behavior/decency
64.  Deduce
To decide/conclude
65.  Déjà vu
A feeling that one has experienced something before
66.  Deify
To treat like a god/goddess
67.  Delectable
Very attractive
68.  Demure
69.  Deplorable
70.  Dialectic
A philosophy that is a method of examining opposing ideas in order to find the truth
71.  Dichotomy
Paradox/division into two groups
72.  Eclectic
Composed of things drawn from various sources/assorted
73.  Eccentric
74.  Elicit
To draw forth/evoke
75.  Elusive
Hard to understand/evasive
76.  Emanate
To come out from a source/discharge
77.  Enigmatic
78.  En masse
All together/as a whole
79.  Endemic
Growing in a certain place/aboriginal
80.  Eradicate
81.  Evasive
82.  Faux pas
Embarrassing social mistake
83.  Fiasco
A complete failure
84.  Futility
85.  Fortuitous
Occurring by chance
86.  Formidable
Very powerful/strong
87.  Fractious
88.  Funereal
Very sad and serious
89.  Fledging
To acquire feathers large enough for flight
90.  Fidelity
Being faithful/loyal
91.  Flippant
Lacking proper respect
92.  Galvanize
To cause something/someone to become active
93.  Gamut
A series of related things
94.  Gargantuan
Very large in size or amount
95.  Globular
96.  Gormandize
To eat greedily/gorge/overeat
97.  Grandeur
A great and impressive quality/brilliance
98.  Gradation
A series forming successive stages
99.  Gregarious
Enjoying the company of other people/clubbable
100.               Gratuitous
101.               Halcyon
Very happy/successful
102.               Haphazard
Having no plan//direction
103.               Hapless
104.               Herculean
Of extraordinary power
105.               Hiatus
106.               Ignoble
Not deserving respect
107.               Ignominious
Causing disgrace or shame
108.               Illicit
109.               Impasse
Deadlock/no progress is possible
110.               Impertinent
111.               Jocular
Liking to tell jokes/witty
112.               Jettison
To get rid
113.               Jejune
114.               Juxtapose
To  place side by side to create an interesting effect
115.               Jingoistic
Extreme nationalism
116.               Kibosh
Serves as a stop
117.               Kinetic
Movable/movement of specific objects
118.               Kudos
Praise/respect received because of something that has been done
119.               Keynote
The most important idea/part of something
120.               Kinesiology
The study of the principles of mechanics and anatomy in relation to human movement
121.               Laconic
Using few words in speech or writing
122.               Laggard
123.               Lascivious
124.               Latent
Something that exists but is inactive/unseen
125.               Lethargic
Lack of energy/interest in doing things
126.               Levity
A lack of seriousness
127.               Liaison
A person who helps organizations or groups to work together and provide information to each other
128.               Loquacious
129.               Ludicrous
Very foolish/comedic
130.               Lucid
Very clear and easy to understand
131.               Malignant
Very serious and dangerous/likely to spread in a rapid and uncontrolled way that can cause death
132.               Maniacal
Affected with madness
133.               Masticate
To chew
134.               Maverick
Someone who refuses to follow the rules
135.               Mawkish
Very sad or romantic in an exaggerated way
136.               Megalomania
Mental illness that causes people to think that they have great power or importance
137.               Mendacious
Dishonest/likely to tell lies
138.               Mesmerize
139.               Misconstrue
140.               Mnemonic
Something that helps people remember something
141.               Narcissistic
142.               Narcolepsy
A medical condition in which someone suddenly falls into a deep sleep while talking/working
143.               Nascent
Beginning to exist/aborning
144.               Nefarious
145.               Ne plus ultra
The highest point capable of being attained
146.               Noblesse Oblige
The idea that people who have high social rank or wealth should be helpful and generous to people who are poor
147.               Nocturnal
Active mainly during the night
148.               Nom de guerre
149.               Nonchalance
150.               Non sequitur
Not related to the premises
151.               Oblivious
152.               Obsequious
Too eager to help or obey someone important
153.               Obsolete
No longer used by anyone/archaic
154.               Onus
The responsibility for something
155.               Optimal
Best or most effective
156.               Opus
An important work done by a writer, painter, etc.
157.               Onerous
Difficult or unpleasant to deal with
158.               Ostensibly
To all outward appearances
159.               Ostracize
To not allow someone to be included in a group
160.               Onomatopoeia
The creation of words that imitate natural sounds
161.               Pacify
To cause to become calm or quiet
162.               Pandemic
An occurrence in which a disease spreads very quickly
163.               Paradigm
A theory or group of ideas about how something should be done
164.               Paragon
A model of excellence or perfection
165.               Paroxysm
A sudden strong feeling or expression of emotion that cannot be controlled
166.               Paucity
A small amount of something
167.               Peccadillo
A small mistake or fault that is not regarded as very bad or serious
168.               Pedantic
169.               Penultimate
Occurring immediately before the last one
170.               Perennial
Happening again and again
171.               Perpetuate
To cause something to continue
172.               Peruse
To examine or read in a very careful way
173.               Pervasive
Existing in every part of something
174.               Picayune
Something trivial
175.               Pinnacle
The most important part of something
176.               Placid
Not easily upset or excited
177.               Platonic
Having a close relationship in which there is no romance or sex
178.               Plethora
A very large amount or number/abundance
179.               Polarize
To cause to separate into opposing groups
180.               Polemics
Strong written or spoken attack against someone else’s opinions, beliefs, practices
181.               Portend
To be a sign or warning that something usually bad or unpleasant is going to happen
182.               Posit
To suggest especially in order to start a discussion
183.               Potable
Safe to drink/drinkable
184.               Pragmatic
Relating to a practical point of view
185.               Precarious
186.               Precedent
The usual or traditional way of doing something
187.               Precocious
Having or showing the qualities or abilities of an adult at an unusually early age
188.               Preemptive
Done to stop an unwanted act by another group from happening
189.               Pretense
A false reason or explanation that is used to hide the real purpose of something
190.               Primordial
Existing from the beginning of time/ancient
191.               Pristine
In perfect condition
192.               Prodigal
Wasteful expenditure
193.               Procrastinate
To be slow or late about doing something that should be done
194.               Proliferate
To increase in number or amount quickly
195.               Promiscuity
Miscellaneous mingling or selection of persons
196.               Protégé
One who is protected or trained or whose career is furthered by a person of experience
197.               Protocol
A system of rules that explain the correct conduct and procedures to be followed
198.               Proverbial
Commonly spoken of/resembling a proverb
199.               Prudent
Having or showing careful good judgment
200.               Pulchritude
Physical comeliness
201.               Raconteur
Someone who is good at telling stories
202.               Raillery
Friendly joking about or with somebody
203.               Raiment
204.               Raison d’être
Reason or justification for existence
205.               Rambunctious
Uncontrolled in a way that is playful or full of energy
206.               Ramification
Something that is the result of an action, decision, etc.
207.               Rancor
An angry feeling of hatred or dislike for someone who has treated you unfairly
208.               Rapacity
The quality of always wanting more money
209.               Rapprochement
The development of friendlier relations between countries or groups of people who have been enemies
210.               Ratiocinate
211.               Recalcitrant
Stubbornly refusing to obey rules or orders
212.               Recant
To publicly say that you no longer have an opinion or belief you once had/abnegate
213.               Recapitulate
To give a brief summary
214.               Reciprocity
A situation or relationship in which two people or groups agree to do something
215.               Recriminate
To accuse in return
216.               Rectitude
The quality of being honest and morally correct/righteousness
217.               Redact
To put in writing
218.               Redolent
Having a strong smell
219.               Reflexive
Happening or done without thinking as a reaction to something
220.               Rejoinder
A usually rude or angry reply to something
221.               Salacious
Relating to sex in a way that is excessive or offensive
222.               Salient
Very important
223.               Salubrious
Making good health possible or likely
224.               Sangfroid
The ability to stay calm in difficult matters
225.               Sapient
Possessing or expressing great insights/wise
226.               Sardonic
Showing that you disapprove of or do not like someone or something
227.               Sartorial
Of or relating to clothes
228.               Satiety
A feeling or condition of being full after eating food
229.               Saturnine
Very serious and unhappy
230.               Satyr
A lecherous man
231.               Savoir faire
The ability to behave in a correct and confident way in different situations
232.               Scintilla
A very small amount
233.               Scion
A person who was born into a rich, famous, or important family
234.               Secular
Not spiritual
235.               Sedentary
Not doing much physical activity
236.               Serendipity
Luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for
237.               Sinecure
A job or position in which someone is paid to do little or no work
238.               Sojourn
A period of time when you stay in a place as a traveler or guest/visit
239.               Spurious
Not genuine
240.               Supercilious
Having or showing the proud and unpleasant attitude of people who think that they are better or more important than other people
241.               Tabula Rasa
A mind not yet affected by experiences
242.               Taciturn
Tending to be quiet/closemouthed
243.               Tangential
Slightly or indirectly related to something
244.               Tantamount
Equal to something
245.               Tautology
A statement in which you repeat a word, idea, etc. in a way that is not necessary
246.               Teleological
Exhibiting or relating to design or purpose especially in nature
247.               Temerity
The quality of being confident and unafraid of danger in a way that seems rude or foolish
248.               Temper
to make something less severe
249.               Tempestuous
Full of strong emotions
250.               Tenet
A belief or idea that is very important to a group
251.               Tendentious
Strongly favoring a particular point of view in a way that may cause argument
252.               Tenacious
Not easily stopped/very determined to do something/firm or strong
253.               Tete-a-tete
A private conversation between two persons
254.               Thaumaturge
Performing miracles
255.               Titular
Having an important or impressive title but not having the power that usually goes with it
256.               Toothsome
Having a pleasing taste/appetizing
257.               Tractable
Easily managed or controlled/amenable
258.               Transient
Not lasting long/brief
259.               Tryst
An agreement (usually by two lovers) to meet
260.               Tumid
Marked by swelling/overinflated
261.               Ubiquitous
Seeming to be seen everywhere/common
262.               Umbrage
a feeling of being offended by what someone has said or done
263.               Unassuming
Not showing desire to be noticed or praised/humble
264.               Unbridled
Not controlled or limited
265.               Unceremonious
Happening or done very suddenly and quickly
266.               Unctuous
Used to describe someone who speaks and behaves in a way that is meant to seem friendly and polite but that is unpleasant because it is obviously not sincere/fake
267.               Ungainly
Moving in an awkward or clumsy way
268.               Unilateral
Involving only one group or country
269.               Unimpeachable
Very reliable and trusted
270.               Unsavory
Unpleasant or offensive
271.               Vacuous
Having or showing a lack of intelligence or serious thought/devoid
272.               Vagary
An erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant manifestation, action, or notion/caprice
273.               Vainglorious
Having or showing too much pride in your abilities or achievements
274.               Vapid
Note lively/uninteresting
275.               Vanguard
The group of people who are the leaders of an action or movement in society, politics, etc.
276.               Vehement
Showing strong and often angry feelings/aggressive
277.               Venal
Willing to do dishonest things in return for money/corruptible
278.               Venial
Not serious/excusable
279.               Veracity
Truth or accuracy/integrity
280.               Verdant
281.               Vers libre
Free verse
282.               Vignette
A short written description
283.               Vociferous
Expressing feelings or opinions in a very loud or forceful way/blatant
284.               Wanderlust
A strong desire to travel
285.               Wane
To become smaller or less
286.               Wanton
Showing no thought or care for the rights, feelings, or safety of others
287.               Watershed
A time when an important change happens
288.               Wayfaring
Travelling from place to place usually by walking
289.               Weltschmerz
A mood of sentimental sadness
290.               Wherewithal
The money, skill, etc. that is needed to get or do something
291.               Xanadu
An idyllic, exotic, or luxurious place
292.               Xenophile
One attracted to foreign things
293.               Yahoo
A person who is very rude, loud, or stupid
294.               Xenophobic
Someone who fears or hates strangers or foreigners
295.               Yawnful
Arousing yawns as a result of boredom
296.               Za-zen
Meditation in a prescribed, cross-legged posture
297.               Zeitgeist
The general beliefs, ideas, and spirit of a time and place
298.               Zest
Lively excitement
299.               Zenith
The strongest or most successful period of time
300.               Yammer
To talk in an annoying way usually for a long time

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